Climate fiction, climate crisis, media critiques, and the business of culture are all subjects that I try to follow and I’m trying to develop the habit of noting particularly interesting pieces—articles, blogs, news—I come across. I hope to accomplish two things:
- Help promote work that I think is crucial or interesting to be read more widely;
- Keep better track of the interesting work I come across.
Okay, three things: I also hope to expand my network, especially in regard to climate fiction, and with the first book of The Steep Climes Quartet due for publication this September, this makes a lot of sense in a bunch of ways, including crass commercialization.
The fact is that it is difficult to find great and interesting content, despite the old promise of digital content, when these days the problem is too much noise that masks the signals. We are drowning in content and the general failure of content producer and content disseminators to embed sufficient and sufficiently intelligent metadata means we all more likely to be drowning in content with our eyes wide shut. If others find my own efforts to curate stimulating content helpful, then I’m at least two weeks ahead of the game of purgatory sentence reduction, and I’m guessing a two-week reduction is the maximum benefit for me in the afterlife because I have little to no control of digital content infrastructure. Yes, I plan to write an essay about the failure of editorially-driven metadata and its terribly disappointing consequences, although I figure, too, that few will ever likely come across the essay, located, as it will be, in the “Other Writing” section of this very website.
I’d love to hear what you think of my efforts and I’m open, of course, to being pointed to noteworthy content.
My Leading Climate Change Online Resources
I’ve been making a list and checking it twice, and then don’t you know The…
Sally Rooney on Working Inside or Outside Our Political Systems… and a Nice Tip ‘O the Cap to Soil from Sally Morgan
According to Wikipedia, Sally Rooney, a writer of novels—Conversations with Friends (2017), Normal People (2018),…
What’s Wrong with Touting America’s Fossil Fuel Extraction Success?
The debate about climate change in the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates is over: altogether, discussion…
Hannah Ritchie Deserves to be Heard. I Just Wish She Would Say More.
“It’s become strangely normal to tell out kids that they’re going to die from climate…
Statistics, Damned Statistics, and Common Sense
I’m a fan of Roger Pielke, Jr., which may put me on the wrong side…
Climate Change or just Tough Weather? It Doesn’t Matter
One kind of climate change post I’ve been seeing is the science claim that we…
Bryce and His Snow Job: Apparently, Climate Change Action is the Work of Anti-Math Nincompoops and Elite Conspiracists
Oops, he did it again. I’m referring to Robert Bryce, who writes a Susbstack about…
One Presidential Candidate Works to Cool Down the Danger of Global Warming, while the Other Throws Gas on the Fire
Elections matter, although as a review of American history will show, sometimes elections don’t matter…
Robert Bryce’s Anti-Environmental Pro-Renewable Energy Transition NGOs Argument is a No Go Argument
“Environmentalism in America is dead. It has been replaced by climatism and renewable energy fetishism.”…